Financial Planning
Financial planning is certainly about modeling and forecasting, but should also be about reducing assumptions.
Assumptions create chaos. Our process is objective and data-driven, yet reflects the boundaries and requirements of your personal goals. This all sounds fancy and complex, but all you have to do is get a bit organized and upload (as best you can) some data into an encrypted vault, we do the rest.
Why is this critical? Read all about it here!
Tax Planning
We seek to increase clients’ overall wealth position through tax alpha. Every dollar deferred or eliminated from taxes optimizes total wealth.
Making use of efficient tax strategies now, we can model and harness the power of compounded tax-savings long-term.
As an example: we don’t want fixed income (bond/debt) securities paying out Income every month in a taxable account, when we could be sheltering these in qualified accounts (IRA’s, 401k’s, and many more). Let’s be more prudent and collaborate on better methods.
We incorporate a time-tested, top-down investment approach that customizes based on your need for growth vs. protection, your ability to tolerate market fluctuation, and the cyclical nature of capital markets.
It’s imperative to cut costs so that more can compound over time and be tax efficient along the way.
You can check out CFA Institute’s commentary in one of many studies here:
Investment Management
Estate Planning
Some of the questions I’ve received over the years include —
“How do I avoid probate?”
”Should we place our house in trust?”
”Will my heirs be burdened in any way after I pass?”
”Do I need an attorney?”
Whether you’re a business owner, have a large family, or are an individual saver, creating a will is typically not the desired method of transferring wealth. We seek to ensure efficiency and reduce inconvenience and costs to you, your heirs, and your overall estate.